Four Handy Tips To Create An Impactful Brand Name


“When People use your Brand name as a Verb, it is remarkable”

For any new business, choosing a compelling brand name is one of the most crucial aspects. Your brand depicts a story. As it describes the products or Services you offer. And a brand name typically conveys the first impact of your brand. Though some People have a myth that naming a brand is as easy as naming a baby. Well, It’s not!
Your brand name not only helps you differentiate your brand but also helps in making it memorable. One must keep the following qualities in mind while creating an engaging Brand name:

Promotional brand name banner
1. Uniqueness:

Is it distinct from other names in the class?

Whenever you come up with a name, the first thing you need to check is its availability. As choosing a name that is already in use by some other business will actually divide your Customers. Try to make up some unique word that never existed before. Using a unique name will make it:

Easier to trademark.
Flexible enough for strategic business changes

So before coming out with a name, do some research on the names of your competitors. Find out some similarity among them & when you generate some names for your company, make sure not to come up with something similar to them.

2. Simplicity:

Is your brand name easy to pronounce and spell?

Single word names are easier to remember and communicate than long ones. Apple, Blackberry, Facebook, and Nike are all simple, yet impressive names.

Never opt for a name which is too difficult to pronounce. The more complicated it is, the more easily forgettable it becomes. Keep three things in mind: short, simple and easy to say. Gain more traction with target audiences with easier names.

3. Functionality:

Does your brand name give a hint on what kind of services you provide?

Well, if yes, it is a great aid. Despite uniqueness & simplicity, it should be little self-descriptive. Your brand name, along with your brand logo, should contribute to your whole image building. It works well as you don’t need too much talking about explaining your Product.

But make sure that it shouldn’t be too self-descriptive as it will not excite the target customers.

4. Accordance with Logo:

A brand name contributes widely to the creation of a Logo.

Your Brand Logo is the appearance of your Brand to the customers while brand name contributes in how good it sounds to them. And for a strong branding of your business, make sure that Logo can be identified with the brand name. So pick the name that serves more freedom in the creative process of Logo.

Think out of the box with these prime factors & choose a brand name that is more engaging & interactive with your target audience. After naming, you can effectually create your logo & corporate identity to start branding your services.

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